CROSSOVER: Promoting School Success through Sport
The European project 'CROSSOVER ' is a 2-year European project, between organizations from Portugal, Italy, Romania, Cyprus and Turkey, within the scope of the Erasmus+ Programme Strategic Partnerships - Innovation in School Education, and funded by the European Commission.
The objective of the project is to develop an innovative empowerment program for students, using Sport and Physical Activity as a tool to develop essential skills, with a strong focus on personal and social development, enhancing school success and, indirectly, promoting social inclusion and prevention. of early school leaving.

The European project 'TWOST: Training without Stereotypes' is a Strategic Partnership project in the areas of Youth, under the Erasmus+ Programme , involving organizations from Portugal, Italy, Greece, Macedonia and Spain.
The focus is on developing an innovative new mechanism that will combine and synchronize the best existing tools and methods into a digital solution that will support youth workers in identifying and preventing gender stereotypes and violence in their daily work.

PRINT: Good practices for a systemic integrated model to work with disadvantaged adults
The European project 'PRINT' is a Strategic Partnership project in Adult Education, within the scope of the Erasmus+ Programme , involving organizations from Portugal, Italy, Greece, Latvia, Romania and Bulgaria.
The project aims to promote the exchange of good practices in intercultural learning, digital learning, intergenerational learning, promotion of employability, active participation and supervision with the intention of creating a systemic-integrated model for working with disadvantaged adults.

The European project 'Seniors in Arts ' is a project under the Erasmus+ Programme / Strategic Partnerships in the Adult Education sector, funded by the European Commission, between organizations from Portugal, Italy, Greece, Poland and Turkey.
With this project we will promote the participation of the senior population, through educational activities through the expressive arts - theatre, music, dance, creative writing, exploring knowledge and sharing, and fostering connection to a social community.

TD&AD: Think differently and act differently
'TD&AD' is a 2-year European project, between organizations from Portugal, Romania, Croatia, Greece and Spain, within the scope of the Erasmus+ Programme for the Exchange of Good Practices in the Adult Education sector, funded by the European Commission.
The project aims to encourage the exchange of good practices for the development of simple and useful tools that families can use in order to have more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyles.

The European project 'YES: Youth Engagement in Society ' is a project under the Erasmus+ Programme for Innovation in the Youth sector, funded by the European Commission, between organizations from Portugal, Italy, Sweden, United Kingdom and Cyprus.
This project aims to promote the social inclusion of NEET youth, as well as citizenship and active participation.

Starting only from the need to integrate State action with operational support, resulting from a series of local private social organizations, the 'SAVE' project was created, which aims to structure, test and validate interventions and operational instruments to ensure that victims of violence the right of access to restorative justice and the right to be informed about it.
For this, we intend to proceed with the structuring and pilot implementation of the “SAVE” Program, borrowing good practices already implemented in some European countries, creating a sustainable and transferable intervention model both for the national context and for other European countries.
It is a 2-year project under the Justice Program and involves organizations from Portugal, Italy and Romania.

The European project 'Your Life Your Story' is a Strategic Partnership project in Adult Education, under the Erasmus+ Program , being implemented by the Animam Viventem Association in Portugal, and involving organizations from Italy, Poland, Slovenia, Turkey and Greece. .
With this project we intend to promote Intercultural Learning in the senior population, using the Digital Storytelling methodology.

Our strategy for the Prevention of Bullying in a school context emerged during the implementation of the European project "eCARE", between organizations from Portugal, Turkey, Italy, Spain, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece, under the Erasmus+ Program Strategic Partnerships in School Education, and funded by the European Commission.
Our approach focuses on the development of intrapersonal and interpersonal skills, such as self-awareness, communication, cooperation, conflict management, among others., to create a safe learning environment and promote healthy relationships. among colleagues.
Following the principles and values of non-formal education, the prevention program is structured and planned, yet flexible and adaptable. We will promote activities for the development of competences with a focus on experiential and experiential learning, with practical, dynamic and interactive approaches.
What we offer:
Training for Educational Agents
School Bullying Prevention Program

'Game On!' is a 2-year European project, between organizations from Portugal, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria and Poland, within the scope of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships in Adult Education Program , and funded by the European Commission.
By sharing approaches, methodologies and good practices among the partners involved, we will create a European opportunity for Intergenerational and Intercultural learning, involving senior citizens in active aging and promoting Europe's cultural heritage, focusing on Traditional Sports and Games.

The European project 'MediCulture: Media(c)tion between Cultures ' is a project under the Erasmus+ Program / Strategic Partnerships in the Adult Education sector, funded by the European Commission, between organizations from Portugal, Spain and Italy.
This project aims to share experiences and good practices with the aim of providing educators with essential tools for the development of intercultural competences, in particular social competences, the ability to relate and empathize with others, the translation of cultural codes and the ability to overcome prejudices and stereotypes to develop the idiosyncrasies of the educational centers or organizations that are part of this project.

The European project 'Explore' is a Strategic Partnership project in the field of Youth, within the scope of the Erasmus+ Programme , involving organizations from Portugal, Italy, Sweden, Turkey and Bulgaria.
This project aims to support the training of youth workers and invest in the quality of youth work, developing and sharing effective methods (storytelling, gamification, local intercultural encounters and creative communication) to reach young people and work on intercultural competences as a way of preventing intolerance among young people, involving them in a mentality of intercultural dialogue and strengthening knowledge and acceptance of diversity.

DigIT: Promoting digital skills among adult educators of older generations
The 'DigIT' project is an 18-month European project, between organizations from Portugal, Italy and Spain, within the scope of the Erasmus+ Small Cooperation Partnerships in Adult Education Programme, and funded by the European Commission.
DigIT aims to promote digital competences among adult educators so that they can design high-quality digital educational programs for senior learners.

The European project 'Secret Code' is a Strategic Partnership project in the field of Youth, within the scope of the Erasmus+ Programme , involving organizations from Portugal, Poland, Sweden and Romania.
This project will improve the level and quality of active citizenship in local/national/European/global communities of young people, using innovative educational tools (e.g. escape rooms) and creating a European network of “Change Makers”, enabling participation in society.

SENECA: SENiors for European CulturAl heritage
'SENECA' is a 2-year European project, between organizations from Portugal, Italy, Spain and Poland, within the scope of the Erasmus+ Programme for the Sharing of Good Practices in the Adult Education sector, funded by the European Commission.
The project aims to encourage the exchange of good practices for the involvement of senior citizens in artistic, cultural and heritage promotion activities, in order to promote active aging and lifelong learning.

V AS VALUE: Volunteering recognition as a Value Added at Local level for the Universal development and growth of sport in Europe
'V as Value' is a 2 and a half year European project, between organizations from Portugal, Italy, Romania, France, Bulgaria and Slovenia, under the Erasmus+ Sports Programme funded by the European Commission.
The main aim of the project is to enhance volunteerism in sport field as an added value for the promotion and increase of sport activities and event in Europe.

'Plan Be: Active Senior Volunteers' project was a 2-year European project, between organizations from Portugal, Italy, Slovenia and Finland, within the scope of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships in Adult Education Program , and funded by the European Commission.
The main objective of this project was the creation and promotion of a Program for active aging, through active citizenship and involvement in voluntary work, addressing topics such as European citizenship, nature and the environment, diversity, social inclusion, among others. .
This project was awarded the 2018 Erasmus+ Best Practices Award and was distinguished by the European Commission as a Success Story.

The European project 'Saudade' is a Strategic Partnership project in Adult Education, under the Erasmus+ Program , involving organizations from Portugal, Italy, Poland and Spain.
With this project we intend to prevent isolation in the senior population through Music Education. We hope to promote a better understanding of the role of music in promoting well-being; sustain well-being, quality of life and reduce stress and loneliness in seniors; provide opportunities for mental activity and intellectual stimulation.

The European project 'YouInCOME: Youth in the Circular Operative Model of Economy ' is a project under the Erasmus+ Program / Strategic Partnerships in the Youth sector, funded by the European Commission, between organizations from Portugal, Spain, Italy and Turkey.
This project aims to share experiences and good practices, deepening knowledge on the subject. During the project, a workshop will be created to raise awareness of the importance of the Circular Economy in sustainable development and as an opportunity for youth employability.
The circular economy emerges from the history of measures to stimulate a change in the economic paradigm - from a linear consumption system, based on the erosion of natural capital, to a restorative and regenerative system, seeking to preserve the usefulness and value of resources (material, energy ) for as long as possible, safeguarding ecosystems and the financial capital of companies and civil society.

The European project 'Food for Inclusion' is a project under the Erasmus+ Program / Strategic Partnerships in Adult Education, funded by the European Commission, between organizations from Portugal, Spain, Italy, Hungary and Greece.
This project aims to share good practices in the fight against food waste and social inclusion. During the project, an awareness-raising workshop was created to combat food waste (in terms of consumption) and social inclusion.
Based on the only study carried out on food waste in Portugal, PERDA (2012), it was estimated that losses and residues represent about 17% of annual food production, corresponding to 1 million tons), resulting from the sum of losses and residues that occur along the different stages of the food production, distribution and consumption chain.

'Fruit Super Squad ' is a 2-year European project, between organizations from Portugal, Italy, Greece, Cyprus and Turkey, within the scope of the Erasmus+ Program for the Sharing of Good Practices in the School Education sector, funded by the European Commission.
The project is coordinated by APCOI - Portuguese Association against Childhood Obesity and aims to share good practices between partners, to develop a European Methodology to promote healthy eating habits in schools, for children aged 3 to 10 years.

The European project 'MEW: Mental and Emotional Wellbeing' is a Strategic Partnership project in Adult Education, under the Erasmus+ Program , involving organizations from Portugal, Italy, the United Kingdom and France.
With this project we intend to support people to
become more aware of the importance of mental and emotional health in all aspects of life
and which is a fundamental and essential part of general health and well-being and quality of life.