LXD Adventure – Learning Experience Design in our daily work
"Learning Experience Design is the process of deciding and designing what experience works better for someone to learn something."
In this international training course, participants will discover and experiment with Learning Experience Design (LXD), its approaches, methods, and tools, including the practical exercise of designing their own learning experience. LXD can be very useful for everyone designing and implementing training courses, workshops, and other learning experiences. During this training, there will be a strong focus on transferring the learnings to each participant's own reality and work.
Training Fee
23-28 Jun 2025
6 Days
Cascais, Portugal

Be the Change – Sustainability in Our Work and Organizations
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – R. Buckminster Fuller
We are living in challenging times for our future, but these challenges also present an opportunity to create real, positive change for ourselves and our world. In this international training course, participants will explore various aspects of sustainability and the ecological challenges we face today. We will focus on reflecting on our work and our organizations from an ecological impact perspective and identifying concrete steps to reduce that impact—or even transform it into a positive one. This training course serves as a kickstarter for meaningful change at the local level.
Training Fee
27 Oct - 1 Nov 2025
6 Days
Cascais, Portugal

Unlock! Creativity unleashed.
“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.” — Mary Lou Cook
Creativity is the hidden motor behind almost everything we do. It enables us to fix a problem at home, make a clever joke among friends, or create and implement a challenging project to meet the needs of our target group. So why don’t we spend more time developing our creative competencies?
In this international training course, participants will discover and experiment with various aspects of creativity and problem-solving, adapting these skills to their local contexts and work.
Training Fee
10-15 Nov 2025
6 Days
Cascais, Portugal
*The number of the participants needed to confirm a course is between 12 and 16.